Take Back Your Time: Prioritizing Your Well-Being FIRST

We live in a world that seems to celebrate being busy all the time, but I’ve learned that constantly rushing through life doesn’t lead to happiness or fulfillment. It’s easy to get caught up in everyone else’s needs, but what if we flipped the script and made our well-being the top priority? It might sound countercultural, but it’s the key to regaining control of our time, energy, and overall joy.

Start with You: Put Yourself on the Calendar First

Have you ever woken up and just jumped straight into your to-do list? I used to do that all the time, but now I ask myself, “How do I want to feel today?” Do I want to feel energized, confident, or maybe relaxed? Whatever it is, I start my day by scheduling activities that help me feel that way. It could be something as simple as a morning meditation, a walk outside, or just a few minutes of journaling. These small acts of self-care really set the tone for my day—because when I feel good, everything else just seems to flow better.

Plan According to Your Energy

I’ve noticed that not every hour of the day is created equal when it comes to my energy levels. Some parts of the day I’m full of energy, and other times, I need a quick recharge. The trick is to plan your activities around those natural energy cycles.

But it’s not just about being productive—I also consider how I want to feel. Maybe I want to feel focused or peaceful, or even a little playful. I’ve found it really helpful to brainstorm 5-10 activities that generate those feelings. For instance, I feel energized after a solo dance party, or more focused after a 10-minute brain dump. The more I tune into how I want to feel, the more intentional and fulfilling my day becomes.

Simplify Your Day with the Eisenhower Matrix

Being clear about my priorities has been a game-changer. I use the Eisenhower Matrix to help me categorize tasks:

  • Urgent & Important: These are the things I tackle first.

  • Important but Not Urgent: I schedule these for later.

  • Urgent but Not Important: These tasks are perfect for delegating.

  • Not Urgent & Not Important: These are the ones I let go of.

By using this matrix, I can focus on what truly matters, delegate where I can, and let go of the rest. It’s amazing how much mental space and time this approach frees up, reducing stress and overwhelm.

Incorporate Self-Care Throughout the Day

Self-care isn’t just something I do in the morning or before bed—it’s something I weave into my day. I try to incorporate 10-minute self-care moments three times a day—maybe in the morning, midday, and evening. These little check-ins keep me connected to how I want to feel and ensure I’m ready for whatever comes next.

One tip I’ve found really helpful is to write down my top three priorities for the day and figure out when and where they’ll fit in. I also reserve time for those small, mindless tasks that can clutter my mind. Getting them off my plate frees up valuable mental space, so I can focus on what really matters.

Join The Vibrant Moms Circle and Download Your 20 Tips Guide

If you’re ready to take back control of your time and reduce stress, consider joining our monthly membership, The Vibrant Moms Circle. In this supportive community, you’ll find ongoing resources and practical tips to help you prioritize your well-being and live a vibrant, balanced life.

Get your hands on my free guide: “20 Tips for Using Awareness of Your Energy Levels and How You Desire to Feel to Plan Your Day and Your Week as a Busy Working Mom.” This guide is available to everyone and packed with actionable tips to help you plan your day and week more effectively.

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[Download Your 20 Tips Guide Here]

Remember, your well-being isn’t a luxury—it’s a necessity. Take back your time and live the vibrant life you deserve.


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