The Vibrant Humans Podcast

This is a space where I share my journey of discovering more joy, ease, and confidence through coaching, body-based somatic tools, and a lot of real-life trial and error. Each episode is designed to help you step into your own power, rewrite your story, and embrace a life where you feel fully capable, worthy, and in control. Because it is possible—and you deserve it.




Imposter Syndrome in Medicine: My Personal Journey & Practical Strategies to Cope

In this episode, I dive deep into the pervasive and often debilitating experience of imposter syndrome, drawing from my own journey as a woman in medicine. I'll share my personal struggles with self-doubt and the constant feeling of being an "imposter".

How to Feel Inspired Again at Work

In this episode, I open up about how I’ve managed to reignite my passion and find inspiration. I share a personal story about a time when I felt frustrated and uninspired at work but experienced a turning point through a meaningful interaction with a patient. Listen now!

Aligning Your Schedule with Your Energy and Well-Being

In this episode, we dive deep into mastering time management and aligning your schedule with your energy and well-being. I share practical tips on using the Eisenhower Matrix to prioritize tasks, ways to incorporate self-care throughout your day, and strategies for effective time management.

What to DO When You DON’T Have A Village Around You as A Parent

In this episode of the Vibrant Humans podcast, we explore the unique challenges parents face when they lack a support system.

Join me as I share actionable strategies for thriving at every stage of parenting, from infancy to young adulthood—even when you feel like you're going it alone.

Stop Doing It All Alone: Practical Strategies for Professional Moms

In this episode, we’re diving deep into the trap and lie that we need to do it all alone and uncover the toll it takes on us professional moms.

From societal expectations to internalized perfectionism, we unpack why so many of us feel the need to manage everything solo—and how we can start to break free from this cycle.

Understanding Emotional Exhaustion: How Professional Moms Can Combat Burnout

In this episode, we dive into the often overlooked but deeply felt burden of emotional exhaustion. We’ll explore the root causes, common symptoms, and practical strategies for relief, including setting boundaries, small self-care habits, and the power of support networks.

Learned Habits in Medical Training that are Sabotaging Your Food Goals Now: Interview with Dr. Archana Shrestha

In this episode, we dive into the 4 habits we learned during med school training that are negatively impacting our health and weight. Dr. Archana explains how these habits can sabotage our well-being and shares the key to sustainable weight loss—understanding the why behind each eating choice and rewiring our brains to work with us, not against us.

Permission to Prioritize What Matters To YOU

I share my interview on Dr. Jillian Rigert's YouTube channel, "A Life True to You."

We delve into the powerful topic of giving ourselves permission to prioritize what truly matters.

Reduce the Meal Planning and Prep Overwhelm

I share my 5 top tips for approaching planning and prepping meals on a weekly basis. I use them on rinse and repeat and they allow me to focus my attention and time on things I care about more!

Do You Have False Anxiety?

In This Episode:
False Anxiety Inventory:
Identify and address specific anxiety triggers with straightforward remedies.
Practical steps to manage physical causes of anxiety like hunger, caffeine sensitivity, and dehydration.

Essentialism: The Path to Balance

In this episode, I’m diving into essentialism, a transformative approach perfect for those balancing demanding careers in healthcare and personal lives. We'll explore how focusing on what truly matters can bring clarity and fulfillment amidst our hectic schedules.

Unpacking “Emotional Regulation”

In this episode, I dive into the intricacies of emotional wellness, exploring the crazy connection between our minds and bodies. I discuss the science behind nervous system regulation and dysregulation, shedding light on the signs and symptoms to look out for.

Why Habit Change Feels Impossible

Changing a habit, installing a new one, or ditching a bad one — seems like it should be easier than it actually is. Let’s talk about why it’s so challenging in real life, what difficult emotions the process brings up for us, and how to approach habit change more mindfully and compassionately with ourselves.

The Mom Guilt Trap

In this heartfelt episode, I dive deep into the raw realities of mom guilt, a heavy burden carried by many high-achieving working women and that I am very familiar with from having experienced a heavy dose myself.

Taking Radical Responsibility for Your Life

It’s game changer folks! Stop wasting your time and energy on trying to change other peoples’ minds, behaviors, or beliefs. Listen to this episode to take inventory of your own beliefs, emotions, actions and results, and take your power back, while learning more about yourself!

You Don’t Have to Wait to Feel Better

Do you often find yourself believing that achieving a particular goal will bring you happiness? In this episode, we delve into the notion that our pursuit of a specific goal is often fueled by the anticipated emotional outcome it promises. This underlying motivation may not always be immediately apparent, but it invariably influences our actions.

Does Your Sense of Happiness Equates to Your Level of Productivity?

Being chronically overwhelmed, rushing from one thing to the next, and having no time to slow down or care for ourselves is the norm for so many working moms. I've been there. In this episode, I unravel the reasons behind why we so often tie our worth to productivity and achievements and explore the detrimental impact this has on our overall health and well-being.

Why Can’t I Just Rest?

Join me as we unravel the challenges, we face in embracing intentional rest and explore five reasons why finding that crucial downtime can be so difficult. We'll navigate through the distractions that perpetual busyness provides, the ingrained belief that we must earn our rest, and the lack of role models for healthy downtime.

“I’m Just Not Creative” (FALSE)-Why Everyone Benefits from Applying Creativity to Life’s Problems

This episode:
- will expand our definition of what it means to be creative.
- dispel common myths about generating creative ideas
- explore meaningful ways to help you curate your knowledge and life experiences into useful solutions/insights for others.

The Inquisitive Mindset: Harnessing the Power of Strategic Questions

This episode I share some thoughts and reflections from a book I’ve been reading about the amazing value of crafting and implementing good questions in our personal and professional lives join me as I talk about why becoming a better questioner can improve your decision making, your relationships, your creativity, and your leadership.

Traveling With Kids Part2: Road Trip Adventuring, Food & Keeping Kids Occupied!

Continuing the conversation today with how to make traveling with your family more enjoyable and less stressful. I’ll share lots of tips and strategies for taking road trips with your kids, packing tips, often forgotten items to make sure to throw in, and all things food and snacks strategies!

My Interview with Kimberly Roy, Host of the Redefining Anger Podcast

I wanted to share my interview with Kimberly Roy with you today. She's a wonderful human who has an amazing podcast called "Redefining Anger". In this conversation, we discuss a ton of my personal journey, including foster care & international adoption, infertility/IVF, raising children with significant trauma, while still LIVING and allowing ourselves to notice and chase our deep desires/longing.

Are You Prioritizing YOUR Actual Priorities Or Someone Else’s?

Do you feel out of sync and like so much of your time is spent on things that you’d rather not be doing?! What could use some tweaking? Listen in as I discuss how taking time to identify our actual top priorities and asking ourselves questions and reflecting how this plays out in our lives matters. This stuff matters a whole lot, and it’s absolutely worth your time and energy to dig into.

Do You Ever Feel Like An Imposter?

In this episode, I talk about what "imposter syndrome" or "imposter phenomenon" IS, what it isn't, what it can look like in your everyday life, and share some of my experiences with it!
Next, we'll continue the conversation with learning about the 5 subsets of imposter phenomenon and how to start to recognize and question it with compassion!

Understanding Our Inner Critic

You have probably heard of the mysterious "inner critic" and if you're like most people, you probably recognize that you have one!
But what really IS it?! What does it sound like? Does it serve ANY purpose? And most importantly, is there any hope of getting it to go away or quieting it WAYYY down?!
Listen in as I answer these questions and more!

Make Your Summer Dinners Easier!

With so much going on this season, it can be difficult to find time or energy to plan and cook meals for your family. If this is you, listen in for some of my favorite tips and frameworks to make it simpler for you and eliminate some of the decision fatigue. That way you can focus on the more important aspects of summer- like the pool, the travel, the later nights and the delicious cold beverages!

What’s Actually Causing Our Overwhelm?

We often think that our overwhelm is due to all the things going on in our lives. But surprisingly, it's something else! Tune in to this insightful discussion of what truly causes overwhelm and what we can do about it as we are entering the crazy summer season!

Charting A New Course: Making Meaningful Career Moves

I sit down with Dr. Laura Suttin, we dive into our personal journeys, sharing what inspired us to become coaches and the obstacles and fears we've faced along the way.

From Overwhelmed to Empowered: Your Guide to a 5-Day Reset

In this episode, you'll discover juicy details about our upcoming free 5-day habit challenge. It's designed specifically to be done in small pockets of time (10 minutes!) to boost your mood and energy.

Interview with Dr. Mary Leung

Enjoy my interview with Dr. Leung -- we discuss time management as a physician, but much of her wisdom applies to ANY working mom!!! She is a certified life coach who is passionate about serving physicians who are stressed, overwhelmed and burned out.

Your Nervous System 101

In this episode, we are diving into the fascinating world of the nervous system. Maybe you've heard talk about this topic before, but don't really understand what people are really talking about or how it might apply to your busy life. Discover how understanding and regulating your nervous system can help you manage stress and emotions more effectively.

Connection vs. Control as Parents

We miss out on teaching our kids how to navigate uncomfortable emotions and learn tools to process all their big emotions when we control and micromanage things for them. How do we do this? What does it look like? Where do we start? Tune in for the answers.

Where Do You Need to Set a Boundary in Your Life?

Are you consistently frustrated with someone in your life who just doesn’t seem to respect your time? Join me in this conversation to learn what makes up an effective boundary, how to communicate one, and most importantly how to enforce it so it holds steady.

Do You Have “High Functioning Anxiety?”

What is it? How do you know if it’s something you are struggling with? Is there really anything that can be done about it? Listen to this episode to know more about high functioning anxiety.

Why Do We Keep Procrastinating?

It’s common to procrastinate the tasks and things that take more effort. We often beat ourselves up after we procrastinate. This can be a never-ending cycle that leaves us feeling powerless to move forward on our goals. In this episode I invite you to see procrastination in a new light and discover how to change your relationship with it on your personal growth journey.

What’s Your Emotional IQ?

We don’t want to feel like they are running our lives, and they can definitely be intense. In this episode I talk about what emotions really are and what they’re not, how they can help us understand ourselves and others better, and what benefits are possible if you embrace the work of befriending your emotions.

Anxiety is Not All in Your Head

You are not your anxiety!!!! Explore the intricacies of overthinking and its impact on mental health in this insightful podcast episode. Delve into distinguishing between helpful planning and detrimental overthinking, guided by a basic understanding of the nervous system. Learn how to shift from spiraling thoughts to purposeful problem-solving through practical strategies.

Want to Be a Better Leader? You Have to Be Willing to Ask Better Questions!

In this episode, I dive into exploring how leaders in all sectors can hone the art of being willing to ask more and better questions of the people they lead to create more desirable results and the likelihood of reaching common goals.

A Brief Guided Gratitude Meditation for This Thanksgiving Week

Embrace tranquility in the midst of chaos with this special Thanksgiving meditation. Amidst a world grappling with challenges, join me for a brief, powerful guided meditation on gratitude. Explore the transformative energy that gratitude holds, connecting us to shared humanity.

How Curiosity Changes Everything

We may see curiosity as something for children, or something frivolous and unproductive to spend any time or energy on. Curiosity is a skill that can be practiced on purpose, cultivated, and used more often. We can apply it to literally any situation and find the benefits. Curious to learn more about why this is the case and how to start practicing being more curious on purpose?! :) Tune in!

Traveling With Kids- Top Crowd-Sourced Tips: Holiday Edition!

We have all experienced the chaotic nature and stress of traveling with young children. This episode is packed full of top tips I have accumulated from personal experience or advice from friends and colleagues. I hope they inspire you to book that flight or start planning your family adventuring road trip! Enjoy!

A New Way to Approach Habits: And a Framework to Help YOU Choose ONE 10 Minute Habit!

Tune in to this episode which is jam packed with actionable and meaningful guidance to help you decide on purpose the one habit that will move the needle for you most— and with the goal of helping you cultivate the feelings you want to experience more of in your life. An Identity and value based habit. Small yet insanely powerful. I can’t wait for you to try out the framework I outline for you in this episode!

How Your Thoughts Create Your Results (The Good and The Bad)

This episode is an introduction to the “model” that is a powerful tool taught in coaching. It helps bring so much awareness to how our thoughts create our feelings which drive our actions and ultimately our results.

Pulling Back The Curtains on Hospice and Palliative Care (Why I Chose This Field of Medicine & What I’ve Learned From My Patients)

Listen in to hear more about this field of medicine, what my role is as a palliative physician, and the lessons & insights I've learned time and time again from my patients.

My Birthday Celebration! My Answers to 36 Questions!

So anyone who knows me may know that I have a moderate obsession with celebrating birthdays and mine is no different! I turned 36 on Monday!!! Officially in my "late 30s!" In celebration, today's episode is just for fun. It's me answering 36 random questions-- some fun, some interesting, some a little deeper but not too deep :)

Defining Your Own Core Values

What does that term even mean? Why does it matter? Learn how identifying your own core values can help you live life more on your terms and with more meaning.

How Do You Want to Feel?

In this episode, I talk about why self-trust is important help us check in with how we desire to feel, and how to develop small actions and habits that align with the feelings we desire. You deserve to feel how you want to feel and you have more power in creating this than you may currently believe.

The Stress Bucket: How to Manage Overwhelm and Find More Balance & Ease

In this episode, I introduce the concept of the Stress Bucket—a visual and practical tool to help you understand and manage your stress levels on a greater level (to offer you more hope and empowerment).

From Feeling Time Scarce to Time Rich

Join me in this conversation as I discuss why we are all feeling the time crunch, how we are inadvertently contributing to this time scarcity continuing, and reimagining what life would be like if we felt even a little more "time rich."

Anxious Bodies: Rethinking Anxiety Beyond the Mind

In this episode, I share some of my PERSONAL JOURNEY with anxiety, from teenage years through the pressures of med school and beyond. We'll explore how anxiety has served us in some ways but also leads to a baseline of being chronically stressed and always overthinking.

Tuning Into Your BODY-”Interoception”

Find out all about INTEROCEPTION:

- what it is

- how to practice it

- what benefits it offers when you cultivate it!

4000 Weeks: Time is Ticking

In this episode I share my top 10 takeaways from the book “4000 Weeks: Time Management for Mortals” by Oliver Burkeman. It’s easy to ignore or avoid talking about the reality of our mortality, but what do we miss or lose out on my doing this? How can we live more fully and aligned with this awareness top of mind?

Tired Of Feeling Let Down by Others?

Learn what manuals are, discover whether you have them for people in your life, and learn why it matters to know about them operating in the background. The quality of your relationships and your emotional freedom are guaranteed to benefit!

Why Embrace Negative Emotions?

Learn what uncomfortable “negative” emotions can teach us, and how to dip your toe into starting to experience them without resisting, distracting or numbing them.

Hurry Sickness

Does everything in your life feel urgent? If you find yourself saying “things will slow down after X is over” a lot of the time, but then when you stop to think about it, you realize that somehow your calendar stays perpetually full… and you are curious as to why this keeps happening, and if there is anything to really be done about this cycle, this episode is for you!

Warning Signs For Working Moms

When you’re so busy you barely have time to brush your teeth, it’s easy to overlook or brush off physical symptoms, or changes in your mood, relationships, behaviors and habits. In this episode, discuss WHY we need to actually pay attention to these symptoms and use them as clues to how we are really doing, how taxed our system is, and why it matters.

The 7 Types of Rest and Why They All Matter

In this episode, discover the seven types of rest—physical, mental, sensory, emotional, social, creative, and cellular—and learn how each contributes to rejuvenating your mind, body, and soul. This will be especially helpful for busy working moms, for whom rest is often a pie in the sky idea.

Use Questions to Improve the Quality of Your Relationships

I talk all about how asking well-crafted questions can deepen your relationships. In today's disconnected world, the practice of asking good questions (and intentionally listening to understand/appreciate the other's experience and perspective) is increasingly rare but has been consistently linked to an increased sense of meaning within our close relationships.

Questions for Better Decision Making

Inspired by the Book of Beautiful Questions by Warren Berger, this episode explores why it is critical to take the time and space to ask ourselves the right questions and being honest with ourselves about the answers before we make high-stakes decisions. I also discuss the integral role of questions to help challenge the fears that so often hold us back from doing something we really want to do but are too scared to do

The Key Ways Coaching is Actually Different Than Therapy - An Insider’s View

Do you ever wonder what the actual differences are between a therapist and a coach? In this episode, my goal is to highlight some of the key similarities and differences between coaching and therapy and help you determine which type of professional may be most useful for you in your current season of life and struggles.

The Power of the Domino Habit

In this episode, we'll explore:

The power of a domino habit -- including both positive and negative examples

How a domino habit can impact multiple areas of your day

How habits build identity and contribute to well-being

Intentionally Launching Into the Fall!

A new season is approaching....the best one of all in my opinion! Break out your favorite pumpkin cinnamon candle, your cozy faux fur orange throws, and get yourself a cup of chai! Instead of just putting our heads down and "getting through" the rest of the year, let's look at how we can mindfully approach the fall this year with greater awareness and perspective so that we can CREATE RESULTS in an area we CHOOSE. And move in more alignment with our highest values and selves!

Processing and Healing Our Imposter Syndrome

This is part 3 and the final episode of my mini-series on imposter syndrome/phenomenon.

This episode is focused on SOLUTIONS- frameworks and tools we can use to help ourselves begin to heal from feeling like an imposter -- with practical tips to try when you are in the thick of it!

Back To School Pep Talk for Parents

Everyone always talks about the kids this time of year (rightfully so). I wanted to take a few minutes to get clear on how we can make sure we are not losing sight of ourselves as we head into a new school year and want to show up as our best selves for our families.

Pushing Back on The Imposter Phenomenon

Join me as we continue the discussion from last week's episode about what imposter syndrome / phenomenon is, what it looks like and sounds like, and how it can show up. I describe the 5 different subtypes of the imposter syndrome and discuss how we can start to pay attention when these unhelpful thought patterns are showing up for us.

How To Get A Handle On Overwhelm

Last week we talked about how our overwhelm is caused by our THOUGHTS and not our circumstances. This week we dive into some emotional and practical tools to navigate the overwhelm we experience.

How Much Do You Trust Yourself?

As women, we often doubt ourselves and our decisions in many areas of our lives. This can lead to disconnection from ourselves and prevent us from living the lives we crave. Join me as I discuss why we are prone to self-doubt, how it shows up for us, and small shifts and practices to cultivate more self-trust!