Becoming “Time Rich”

Welcome back to another week of Vibrant Humans, a place to empower professional working moms to live vibrant, balanced, and intentional lives.

This week, we’re diving into a transformative concept: becoming “time rich.” Sound far-fetched and idealistic? Or just plain impossible?

Let's explore what it means to have an empowering relationship with time and how you can start making shifts in your life to achieve this.

Identity and Roles

As the CEO of your home and the leader of its culture, it's crucial to embrace your identity as a soft, intuitive feminine powerhouse. You have deep desires and a natural ability to nurture—this is your superpower. While traditional gender roles may dictate that men are providers and women are nurturers, many of us juggle both roles. Efficient time management becomes essential when balancing these responsibilities.

Mindset Shifts

The energy of abundance unfolds when you allow yourself to be supported. Shifting your identity as a leader involves recognizing the tasks you can delegate. Reflect on why you continue doing things that don’t fulfill you. Is it due to guilt or a need for control? Consider what you still do to please others. Are you living by default or by design? Remember, you have one life to live.

Delegation and Support

Imagine letting go of everything you don’t want to do. What if you never did dishes or laundry again and trusted someone else to handle groceries and meal prep? How would your life change if you weren’t responsible for all the invisible, mental, and emotional labor of the household? Develop a relationship with tasks by knowing what you want to do, what you don’t want to do, what you need to do, and what you don’t need to be the one doing. Make a list of things you definitely want to do, like hugging your kids and being present for experiences.

Emotional Health and Communication

Honesty with yourself is the first step. The inability to speak your truth can slowly drain you. Have those uncomfortable conversations with your partner about what you both need. Expressing that your needs aren’t being met may trigger your partner because their identity is tied to being providers and fixers. Don’t abandon yourself. The discomfort you feel signals that you need to pay more attention to that area. You’ll feel uncomfortable, but also alive, aligned, and empowered. The alternative is to stay the same, feeling slowly dying and dissatisfied.

Balance and Alignment

When people say they don’t have enough time for something they deeply desire, they are often out of alignment with their values and desires. We want healthy, aligned relationships and a balanced life. How can we support each other better? Often, we carry the burdens of our spouse, coworkers, and children along with our own, leading to feelings of disconnection and overwhelm. If you don’t let support in, you will drown on your own isolated island. Teach the people closest to you that you are open to receiving love and support.

Microhabits for Energy and Self-Relationship

Small, consistent actions can significantly improve your energy and your relationship with yourself, which in turn contributes to feeling more time rich. Microhabits are the key:

  1. Daily Self-Check-Ins: Spend 5 minutes each morning assessing how you feel and what you need. This helps you stay aligned with your priorities and values.

  2. Mindful Breaks: Incorporate 5-10 minute mindful breaks throughout your day to recharge. Simple activities like deep breathing, a quick walk, or stretching can reset your energy levels.

  3. Gratitude Practice: Take 2 minutes each night to jot down three things you’re grateful for. This shifts your mindset towards positivity and abundance.

  4. Focused Work Blocks: Break your work into 20-minute focused intervals. This combats overwhelm and boosts productivity, making your time feel more abundant.

  5. Healthy Boundaries: Practice saying no to tasks and commitments that drain your energy. Protect your time and invest it in activities that truly matter to you.

PSST - If you want to learn more microhabits and practice implementing them into your real life, join my FREE 5 day challenge (July 8-12) - for a fun, engaging, supported way to practice carving out 10 minutes a day for yourself this summer.

Here’s the link to register:

Bringing it All Together

Remember, you have one life. Make sure you are filling all your buckets to maintain balance, feeling alive, and aligned. Men carry invisible loads too, so how can we support each other better?

Ask yourself, what does your soul crave? Where are you not feeding it? Do you need a new job or just a new perspective? What do you like about your job, and what do you hate? Imagine your ideal job: autonomy, time off when needed, feeling respected.

Overcoming fear and managing the "what ifs" are crucial. Toxic environments can be transformed by working on yourself and improving your relationship with your job. If you need to leave but have bills to pay, find ways to manage your identities and fears attached to your work.

Shifting how you view time can help you see it and spend it differently. Start raising your standard for how you allocate and invest your time. Until next time, stay empowered and intentional with every moment of your life.

Thank you so much for being part of the Vibrant Humans community. Let's continue this journey of empowerment together. If you enjoyed this blog post, please share it with your friends and colleagues. Your support means the world to us.

Sending hope & healing your way,

Sarah Wittry
Founder and Coach, Vibrant Humans

Don’t forget to register for the free 5 day microhabit challenge - for improved energy, mood, overall well-being in less than 10 minutes a day!


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